[Danhi] Mystery leprechauns needed this Friday

Michelle Shevlin michelle.shevlin at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 13 16:51:03 EDT 2013


As a follow up to our note home on Monday, we need some mystery leprechauns to turn over chairs and sprinkle dusts of gold. 

The class fund will provide the green juice and St Patrick's day cookies. 

Please let us know if you can help out between 12-1 when the kids aren't in the classroom. 

I'll be volunteering at the Oak Grove Young Children's School Spring Consignment sale so I can't be there. 

For the parents that can help out, I'll hide the juice and cookies behind the curtain next to the microwave. Shhh. ;)

Thanks everyone. 

Michelle Shevlin
Sent from my iPhone

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