[Sagamore Online] Near Term Plans

John R. Lenz john at lenzmarketing.com
Tue Mar 12 15:20:30 EDT 2013

Yes, and to read info from Ms. Martin.

On Mar 12, 2013, at 2:25 PM, Dave Allen Barker Jr wrote:

> Thanks, John.  I saved it.  Looks like folks go there for faculty/staff email addresses?
> On 03/12/2013 12:06 PM, John R. Lenz wrote:
>> Also, here's a PDF analytics report of what people are looking for/where's they are going for the last month on the main Sagamore DeKalb site. 
>> #1, 3, and 5 are all the same page; just served and recorded differently.
>> -John

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