[Danhi] Volunteer Coordination

Dave Allen Barker Jr dave at 1.0ne.org
Fri Mar 15 09:58:37 EDT 2013

Erin pointed out to me this morning that he wanted to volunteer to do 
some AR testing, but saw our sign-up sheet 
<http://sagamorevolunteers.pleasebringit.com/public/gew9kPQ3QU8> only 
covers last semester.  I was going to update it for this semester, but 
it's a bit of work and I'm not sure it gains us much.

Since most of our volunteer opportunities are flexible, the sign-up 
sheet cannot provide an email reminder specific to the volunteer spot 
(within the week is the best it can do).  I rely on my own calendering 
to remind me anyway.  After that, the sign-up sheet simply provides a 
place for us to see when and how other people are volunteering.

I'm suggesting *volunteers simply email the class mailing list with 
their intentions* since the sign-up sheet doesn't provide much 
functionality for us.  If having a reference of when/how folks are 
volunteering is still important, volunteers (or myself) can simply make 
a note of it on the class website (anyone can make additions there).

What do you think?  If I don't hear any concerns, I'll go ahead and 
retire the sign-up sheet and update the volunteer section of the class 
website <http://www.9.0ne.org/w/Ms._Danhi_2012#vol>, and expect everyone 
will just email the class when/how they're volunteering (and maybe make 
a note on the website (if they're feeling fancy)).


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