[Sagamore Online] State of Sagamore Online Video Conference

Dave Allen Barker Jr dave at 1.0ne.org
Mon Aug 19 17:23:45 EDT 2013

John, if it means you'll participate, I'll even wear something with a

Even with the change in district website backend, I hope  we (you) can
still speak about what's there now and why, what ideas there are for
future work, the current and planned difference between the district and
pta sits, etc.  Basically, we keep dreaming and leave you, John, to
figure out how to make it happen with the districts tech. ☺

I didn't realize Ms. Brown was such a resource—I'm going invite her to
our Sagmore Online discussion list.

On 08/19/2013 04:22 PM, John R. Lenz wrote:
> Dave, if you keep your shirt on this time I might join the conference.
> It might be a bit premature to have the public website on the agenda since the county IT dept. is moving toward using a universal CMS across the county. This transition will happen sometime this year. Ms. Brown just told me about it.
> The system they are transitioning to is called http://www.eschoolview.com/ and I have no idea why this was chosen. 
> Here's a DeKalb page with info about it:
> http://fc.dekalb.k12.ga.us/~its/?OpenItemURL=S1DEDC58F
> I don't understand why they didn't use something like wordpress multisite http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network
> Anyway, I'm keeping an eye on that part of it and Ms. Brown is feeding me information. Hopefully we can retain at least some of our brand identity. 
> -J
> On Aug 19, 2013, at 9:42 AM, Dave Allen Barker Jr wrote:
>> Tomorrow night, Tuesday, August 20, 8:30pm, I'll be hosting a video conference (with at least Peter Helander) to talk about the state of the Sagamore Elementary School community's online efforts.  Please feel free to: watch live or later, review or edit the notes/agenda, participate in the video conference, reply(-to-all) to this email, forward to anyone with interest.  Details can be found at:
>> https://plus.google.com/events/c1q7onbh0gmctr4bt7jb1mtgjoc
>> I've never really done something like this before, so please speak up if you have any questions—I'm sure someone else is wondering the same thing.
>> At last Friday morning's New Parent Coffee I met Peter Helander, a new parent to Sagamore with expertise in online communications.  Instead of sharing our perspectives on the state of Sagamore online right then and there, we agreed it'd be wise to do it in a recorded video conference instead.  That way, more people can easily participate in the discussion, and the discussion can be watched live or later by anyone interested.
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